Trauma events: Fragments reattachment and restoration approach a young patient
Trauma events: Fragments reattachment and restoration approach a young patient
Active Member: Style Italiano Study Club
Active Member: IAED
Active Member: AIC
Private dental practice in Parma - Italy
How to get a perfect reattachemnt result using only one body mass and no enamel to reach the great esthetic outcome and a perfect camaleontic morphology.
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Direct aesthetic restorations: “no more temporary fillings”
Direct aesthetic restorations: “no more temporary fillings”
Marmara University, Dentistry Faculty
Restorative Department, Istanbul - Turkey
The developments of materials and methods in adhesive dentistry lead more aesthetic, functional and
minimally invasive direct resin restorations. Single visit treatment option is one of the main advantages of
these natural alike restorations when considering the treatment plan. Polychromatic or monochromatic, minimally invasive composite veneer restorations covering whole labial/buccal surface of anterior teeth, are also good treatment options compared to the rival ceramic veneer restorations. Direct composite veneers were told to have some disadvantages as instability and discoloration in the past years. However with correct indication, good isolation, successful adhesion, proper technique, detailed polishing procedures and frequent recalls, these restorations may have long-term clinical success. Formerly called ‘temporary fillings’ are called ‘direct aesthetic restorations’ now as they deserve.
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Workflows in aesthetic restoration
Workflows in
aesthetic restoration
Chair of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Head of Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Dean of the School of Dental Hygienists
University of Siena - Italy
Aesthetic restorations are challenging in many ways as both function and aesthetic are of primary importance.
This young patient presented in the University Department with a class IV fracture after a sport accident, and he requested to have an immediate restoration.
In order to build a silicon key, a pre-restoration (using no Dentin Bonding Agent) was placed. An additional silicon key was created to check the thickness during the layering, so that a correct amount of dentin and enamel could be layered.
This would facilitate the correct integration with natural dentition from the chromatic point of view.
Careful attention was given to the adhesive protocol steps, and to the correct layering of enamel and body masses.
Here is the clinical case Gallery, with the step by step procedure.
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Orthodontic Case with Asteria
Orthodontic Case with Asteria
The patient came to our office with a large diastema between 31 and 41. It was decided to solve this by distributing orthodontically the space between the four incisors and later carry out composite reconstructions. In this way we avoided to create two large central teeth which would have been aesthetically unpleasant.
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Direct restoration in posterior teeth
Direct restoration in posterior teeth
I had the chance to be among the first to test the new concept proposed by Tokuyama with the Omnichroma composite “One choice for every shade”. I wanted to test it in the rehabilitation of the posterior sectors and check it after a month even under the radiographic aspect. The clinical phases highlight the isolation with
a rubber dam, the cavitary preparation, the adhesive phases and the subsequent use of Omnichroma to restore the correct morphology. Finally radiographic control, finishing and check. Even after 1 month to verify the success of the restoration not only from an aesthetic point of view
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Restoring fracture in anterior teeth of young patient
Restoring fracture in anterior teeth
of young patient
I was the first dentist in Turkey to have the chance to test this new composite from Tokuyama, Asteria. I was very surprised discovering interesting features of it. My first impressions are that it easy to use in layering, it has a simple understandable shade tabs and it is easy to work. In the other hand this material has a very good color match and super shine, and this is important in our dental practice to obtain a very good esthetic final result.
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Coronas en metalo-cerámica en implantes atornillados: ¡el desafío del resultado estético final!
Couronnes métallo-céramiques sur implants transvissés :
le défi du résultat esthétique final !
Dans les couronnes métallo-céramiques sur implants, le trou d’accès au pilier de cicatrisation peut représenter un problème esthétique pour le patient. Soit en raison du camouflage du composite à utiliser, soit en raison de l’opacification de la structure métallique sous-jacente.
Le téflon est placé pour protéger la tête du pilier et ainsi laisser la surface métallique couverte. Idéalement, environ 2 mm de marge de céramique pure devraient être laissés exposés sur l’armature métallique afin d’obtenir une bonne adhésion et en même temps camoufler le composite et la céramique.
La surface céramique exposée est mordancée à l’acide fluorhydrique (HF 9,6 %) pendant 60 secondes afin d’obtenir une micro rugosité de surface. Après avoir mordancé la surface, celle-ci est nettoyée et séchée, puis le Tokuyama Universal Bond est appliqué selon les instructions du fabricant.
La stratification est réalisée d’abord avec une fine couche d’Omnichroma Blocker, comme s’il s’agissait d’une masse dentinaire, suivie de l’application de Tokuyama Estelite Color (marron foncé) pour caractériser les cavités et les fissures. La restauration est ensuite finalisée à l’aide d’Omnichroma (utilisé comme masse d’émail) pour obtenir un excellent résultat esthétique final.