Workflows inaesthetic restoration

Chair of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Head of Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Dean of the School of Dental Hygienists
University of Siena - Italy

Aesthetic restorations are challenging in many ways as both function and aesthetic are of primary importance.
This young patient presented in the University Department with a class IV fracture after a sport accident, and he requested to have an immediate restoration.
In order to build a silicon key, a pre-restoration (using no Dentin Bonding Agent) was placed. An additional silicon key was created to check the thickness during the layering, so that a correct amount of dentin and enamel could be layered.
This would facilitate the correct integration with natural dentition from the chromatic point of view.
Careful attention was given to the adhesive protocol steps, and to the correct layering of enamel and body masses.
Here is the clinical case Gallery, with the step by step procedure.

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