No-prep adhesivereconstructions in resin composite:diastema closure
DR. ELISABETTA PASTORINI Private dental practice in Cagliari
35-year-old patient, woman, with diastemas in upper incisors. The patient asks for the closure of the diastemas and the lengthening or the two central incisors. She is proposed a reconstruction technique with an adhesive composite with only a total acid etching of the tooth without any kind or dental preparation. The silicone index is made on a wax modelling (diagnostic waxing) to guide the restoration procedure. The final picture shows an excellent morphologic, functional and esthetic integration. The smile line is balanced and the incisors provide an ideal support to the lips. Front composite resin restorations are always challenging for dentists. Knowing the characteristics of the composite materials used is fundamental. In this case, a highly esthetic composite was used: Estelite Astoria by Tokuyama. An exceptional composite, chameleon-like and able to imitate nature. The body masses, depending on their thickness, modulate the translucency degree, while the enamel masses reproduce the effect of natural enamel. In this clinical case, a dentinal mass A1B and two enamel masses were used, a colored one A1 and a white one WE. Thanks to these composites, the best esthetic outcome is achieved, using few masses and reducing working times; thanks to their color adaptation, they greatly simplify layering.